News & Events

Charity: giving hope

Improving people’s wellbeing through quality, science and education, today for the benefit of future generation. This is our main objective as a company, and is clearly expressed in our mission. Zhermack embraces this commitment in every way and continues to work for it year after year. This is why Zhermack assumes a practical responsibility towards the local community. Along with various solidarity projects, we have decided to donate to charity a sum equivalent in value to our Christmas gifts in order to fund important actions in support of families in financial difficulty and disabled youngsters. The second edition of Run with Zhermack last October also allowed us to contribute to important local projects, especially those focusing on the educational needs of children with medium serious disabilities, social inclusion and pro-diversity initiatives.
All companies have a responsibility to society, not only on an economic level but on a public, social level too. That is why, for us, investing in the wellbeing of the community and in the education of its young people is a positive and forward-looking objective toward which we can dedicate the fruits of our labour.

Making a practical contribution towards helping the community that has welcomed us for so long: this is Zhermack’s mission, and a way of promoting the ethical, social and environmental values we wish to see enacted.

Our General Manager, Eng. Paolo Ambrosini and the Ist. Comprensivo di Badia Polesine delegation
Another important moment: the City Mayor (right) and Eng. Paolo Ambrosini (left)