Zhermack Instagram terms & conditions

Welcome to the official Zhermack Instagram page!



Here you can give opinions and comments, ask questions, have discussions and share your interest in Zhermack” Zhermack is committed to answering your comments and any general questions you may have. If it takes us time to do so it is because we are simply looking for the best answer to your questions: Fulfilling your needs is our ongoing commitment!

This page is hosted by Instagram, so we ask that you respect the website terms and conditions (https://help.instagram.com/581066165581870/?cms_id=581066165581870)

This page accepts diversity of opinion, so we ask you to respect this aspect, as well as the positions and sensitivity of other users. Please be advised that anything you publish expresses your personal opinion and remains your exclusive responsibility. The page administrator will review and moderate content, but Zhermack and its employees cannot accept responsibility for what you post. If links to other pages or websites are used, Zhermack is not responsible for the safety of browsing or content of these pages. In addition, it is not responsible for or connected to advertisements displayed on the right of the page

This page should not be used for personal or third party promotions and/or personal or third party sales. Images, trademarks and texts published by Zhermack are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Reproduction for commercial purposes is prohibited. We advise you to post and share only material that is yours: do not use pictures or texts that have been created by others and are thus likely to be protected by copyright.

Please do not to write in capital letters: on the web this is equivalent to SHOUTING! We read everything with great interest and moderate and/or delete only items that fall into these categories of comments:

  • Posts and comments that use offensive and abusive language;
  • Remarks that are not thematically relevant to the page or discussion (off topic);
  • Messages and content that are not respectful of privacy, that contain sensitive information or materials subject to the rights of third parties;
  • Posts and comments that contain links to other pages or personal profiles; links that are defamatory or inconsistent with the page; information or incitement to illegal or immoral acts dangerous to oneself or others; pornographic photos and videos;
  • Personal attacks of any kind or offensive remarks about people, organisations, ideas, gender, ethnic groups, political or religious orientation;
  • Topics that are the subject of disputes or negotiations at various levels, especially if legal proceedings are in progress.