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Type: Course


Impressions in dentistry… knowledge or art?

Start date: 20/04/2021
End date: 04/05/2021
TITLE: Impressions in dentistry… knowledge or art?


REGISTRATION LINK: For this webinar we scheduled two alternative dates:
  • 20th April at 1:00 PM CEST
  • 4th May at 6:00 PM CEST

SPEAKER: Dr. Nicholas D. Charles

ABSTRACT: In our job a topic that challenges us on a daily basis in the practice is: “Impressions in dentistry; Is it knowledge or art?”. An impression can be taken in different ways according also to the habit of the dentist. The idea of this webinar is to give a rapid overview on materials and techniques (two steps, one step and monophase). We will focus on the challenges we face while taking impressions and we will present effective solutions.

Click here to watch the webinar.

Click here to see our 2021 international program of webinars.