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Zhermack – Best Company of the Rovigo area for Net Income and EBTDA

Zhermack General Manager during the award ceremony

Zhermack is once again confirmed as one of the most performing firms of the Rovigo area. More precisely, today the Company has received a “Menzione di Bilancio (special mention for financial metrics) as best Company of the Rovigo area for Net Income and EBTDA” for the fiscal year 2016.

During the second edition of the award called “Felix Industry- the competitive Veneto”, an analysis of the 2016 balance sheets of 13,718 corporations with registered office in the Veneto region and revenues between 2 million and 12.4 billion has been carried out.

Therefore, this recognition represents, once again, source of pride and incentive for Zhermack, which confidently looks at the future, continuing to prosecute its objectives with its distinctive spirit, based on professionality, dedication, and passion.

Press Release