Nouveautés et événements

Z-Experience | Zhermack for IADS

Zhermack believes a lot in education and support to the whole student community. That’s why the company commits every year in this field. How? Creating initiatives such as Z-Experience, an event completely dedicated to the students. Dr. Nicholas D. Charles, Professional Service Manager of Zhermack, is going to tell you how the 2022 event was made, its purposes and why it was such a successful edition.

« When I was studying dentistry at university I often dreamt about learning while having fun and meeting colleagues from all over the world. As this dream is also part of Zhermack’s way of thinking, we decided together to achieve this commitment. For that reason, we created Z-Experience, involving IADS students.

IADS is the International Association of Dental Students, which was founded in 1951 in order to serve the educational needs of dental students throughout the world. Nowadays, it represents the interests of more than 200.000 dental students in around 60 countries worldwide.

We set up with IADS this event, which in 2022 reunited 19 students on 29th and 30th September, to achieve our commitment and allow them to listen, touch and smell our dental world. A great occasion for them, and a good way for us to show how our products work.

To do that, we built up an intensive schedule: a real two-day full immersion made of seminars, lectures, hands on, workshops, facility tours and team building activities. Also, as they were coming literally from all-over the world (from Thailand, Rwanda, Sweden, Ukraine, Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Latvia, Tunisia and many more countries) we set up the program also arranging activities across Verona and late-evening moments to share more cultural aspects.

We all worked hard, from the brainstorming activities preceding the event, to the realization itself. We have experienced outstanding values such as:

  • Reactivity in solving problems that could have happened
  • Accountability as every person in the team did his/her own part focusing on the outcome
  • Respect as we have experienced genuine curiosity and devotion to different cultures
  • Collaboration between Zhermack and IADS, two different realities but very well synchronized and coordinated in order to create a great event
  • Trustworthiness as success for our reputation based on great memories and world of mouth

Z-experience was, let’s say, an all-round event, involving lot of different cultures, sharing moments of learning and leisure, meeting new people, and spreading Zhermack’s educational commitment. We look forward to hosting the next event in partnership with IADS!«